Pumping Consultation

Are you feeling anxious about pumping when you head back to work? Would you like guidance on using your pump effectively? Are you looking for ways to boost milk supply?

Our 60-minute pumping consultation is here for those who are preparing for the transition back to work, facing time away from their baby, or looking to enhance their milk production.

Schedule a consultationAsk a questionPricing

What to expect during your consultaiton

  • Flange fitting to ensure correct size
  • Discuss and Demonstrate your specific pump and how to use it effectively
  • You'll receive a personalized plan of care that will outline how often and for how long to pump along with tips on storing milk for your baby.


$125 At My Office

Payments & Insurance

I accept Venmo, Check, Cash or Credit Card. All consultations will include a superbill you can submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.
Call to schedule
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

(951) 526-6870

Serving Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, Fallbrook, Pala and surrounding areas.
Head shot of Julie Alexander

I'm Julie

Breastfeeding four children was a real challenge for me. I struggled with latch, milk supply, and confidence. I needed help. I was fortunate to find a wonderful Lactation Consultant who helped me successfully feed my babies.
I wanted to help moms facing similar challenges, so I took my BA in Biology from Westmont College and returned to school at UCSD to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
Learn more about IBCLCs and how they help mothers around the world provide the best for their babies.
Infant Feeding Support Group
Join JA Lactaton Support Tuesday from 9:00am to 10:00am at Harveston Lake (by the playground).